This morning I woke to the sound of someone kicking the front door. For whatever reason I was sure it was Emily. I slowly rolled out of bead. "Why does she have to make so much noise?" I wondered not like she normally does, but I was still annoyed. I opened the front door and I'll never forget that sight. Draped over her arms two limp fawns. One was dead. The other almost. "I found them by that tree where I wanted to look last night", was the explanation. The one wasn't breathing though it's heart was beating. We all set to work. Thinking there was fluid in the lungs we tried to suction them. Then compressing them. Every few minutes he would gasp for air so we were encouraged. Hot and Cold to keep the circulation going. We got some air movement but finally after a good 30 minutes, when we thought of it, we started all out CPR-ish style mouth to nose. It must have been an hour and a half since we had started that he began to twitch and move his legs, even more encouraged and often praying we continued. For a while his movement increased he began to throw his head around and it seemed he was trying to breath on his own. We often glanced at his brother lying still on the entryway floor hoping against hope that this one would live. We watched, at this rate he should be breathing shortly. But slowly the reactions became fainter, until...
no more twitching, no gasping for air, nothing.
At least two and a half to three hours had gone by. And I strained to feel his heart beat, nothing. We stopped everything hoping that we just had missed it. But no. Reluctantly Emily stopped breathing into him.
He had slipped away.
Helpless as we are helpless.
Weak as we are weak.
Sweat, tears, and prayers mingle together towards one goal...
one little life.
God bends over this world. This dying world.-And what a new perspective I have on that word.
He poured out His sweat and tears together,
No He did more.
He poured Himself out towards one goal...
Our lives.
Sleep still little babies.
"O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. "
1 Corinthians 15:55-58
It's always sad when people or animals suffer..
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the robin I saved from certain death a week ago.
As much as I would do, or be willing to do, for an injured animal - a creature, remember, who has done absolutely nothing to earn my favor - how much more, infinitely more, is God doing, or is ready to do, for me?
Oh... this stings so. Feels so familiar.
ReplyDeleteYes. Had another taken out of our hands last year. And that at a moment when I wasn't treasuring him like I should have. One morning something took him.
DeleteLife is so fragile.
Leaning to treasure it more!